Directions to CampCamp is held at the Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center in Commerce Township, MI.
3577 Sleeth Court Commerce Township, MI 48382 When you arrive there will be signs with the MASTA Camp logo directing you to check-in, as well as MASTA Camp Staff directing you to parking. |
What to Bring to Camp
Linens - bedding (sheets and blankets or sleeping bag), pillow, bath towels, beach towel, wash cloth. The cabins are air conditioned and it can get chilly at night. Please make sure to have adequate bedding and towels as we do not supply these for campers.
Clothing - sport clothes for warm and cool weather, 1 pair of closed-toe comfortable/athletic shoes for recreation, flip-flops or rubber shoes are nice for wearing into the shower, swimsuit, rain gear, concert outfit (casual slacks, top and shoes are fine; girls may wear a
dress if they like.)
Instrument - Be sure you have your bow! If possible, a set of extra strings, rosin, your soft cleaning towel, a folding
music stand with your name on each part. Please clearly put your name on your instrument case and music stand...many others
will look exactly like yours!!
- a water bottle
- insect repellent
- sunscreen
- toiletries (soap, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.)
- a dirty clothes bag (a pillow case works great!)
- a good book and/or a quiet activity to do alone during "Rest Hour"
- Cameras: campers are encouraged to bring either a disposable camera or digital camera to camp
- Food (candy, cookies, etc.): They attract animals - food is always available.
- Cell phones: They can be broken, stolen, and cause distractions we have a camp phone that parents may call in case of emergency.
- Expensive electronics: we have very full days at camp and the need for expensive electronics like hand-held gaming systems, iPads, etc., are not necessary. Additionally, loss, theft, or damage are possible and not the camp's responsibility. It is best to leave these devices at home. iPods or other music devices can be used during rest time.
- Spending Money: There is no need, please do not provide the opportunity for it to be lost.
cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of items.
Cell phones are not permitted at camp. If a camper is found to have a cell phone a staff member will confiscate it and it will be returned to the parents at Check-Out.
Keeping in Touch with Your Camper
In our 30+ years of experience, the best way to keep in touch with your camper is through the mail. You are welcome to send letters and/or care packages to your child while they are at camp. If your child wishes to send a letter home they must bring addressed and stamped envelopes. We do not provide envelopes or stamps to campers.
Please address all mail to:
Camper's Name
MASTA String Camp c/o WLOEC
3577 Sleeth Court
Commerce Township, MI 48382
Our staff is trained to handle home-sick campers and phone calls home are only permitted in case of emergency or if camp staff deems it necessary. Because part of the camp experience is learning independence, we try to discourage phone calls home and phone calls to campers. If parents need to deliver a message to a camper our staff will be happy to assist. Please feel free to send an email or call the camp phone number.
Please address all mail to:
Camper's Name
MASTA String Camp c/o WLOEC
3577 Sleeth Court
Commerce Township, MI 48382
Our staff is trained to handle home-sick campers and phone calls home are only permitted in case of emergency or if camp staff deems it necessary. Because part of the camp experience is learning independence, we try to discourage phone calls home and phone calls to campers. If parents need to deliver a message to a camper our staff will be happy to assist. Please feel free to send an email or call the camp phone number.